Sweary Fabrics

Let me tell you, there was a lot of debate over whether or not to order this fabric. I told friends about it who said to order it, "I neeeeed this in my life!" But I hesitated. Although I thought it was absolutely hilarious, I worried it would offend. After 6 months (I kid you not) of going back and forth on it, I did it. I ordered the fabric.
When it arrived I thought I might use it for coin purses, maybe a zipped pouch or two. After a couple days I thought I should post a picture to Facebook and Instagram to gauge interest - cue more hesitation on whether to post it or not. The reaction was overwhelmingly positive! When I asked for suggestions on what to make with it almost everyone asked for masks, coin purses, and even bags.
You got it!
Please allow me present to you our newest collection (found in it's own category in the menu), The Cussing Collection! So far we have masks in the two prints shown here. Coin purses will be along shortly, and possibly a couple zipped pouches.
More fabric is on order, almost all from the same awesome designer, Cynthia Frenette (you can check out her art here). I can't wait for it to get here!
Until the next time,
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