Goodbye 2020... Hello 2021!

Well... that was a crazy year!
Last January I was excited to plan out the year - new products to launch, vendor markets to attend, new photos to take... you name it. And then COVID hit. Talk about a change of plans. All our markets were postponed and then cancelled, in person events moved to online events, and everyone was looking for masks! So in April I decided to do what most small businesses were doing: to pivot.
I dug into my fabric stash and started making masks... and more masks... and even more masks. All those masks helped keep my business afloat.
By the fall, I had some outside vendor markets to attend and let me tell you it was so great to be able to see everyone and chat with customers again! I missed you guys! When Christmas rolled around I was busier than ever - trying to make enough stock to bring to all our events, keep our online store and marketplaces stocked, shipping out orders (and worrying about whether they would get delivered on time), and even having products at the Ottawa Artisans Pop Up shop at St. Laurent shopping centre in Ottawa.
So, I decided to turn it all off for the Holidays. I closed the online store, went quiet on social media (for the most part) and spent the time baking, playing board games, and going snowshoeing with my family. And it was wonderful.
That's not to say I wasn't thinking about the year to come though. By the time the New Year came, I was already looking for new patterns and fabrics for all the new bags I want to add to the shop!
So now here we are - 2020 is finally gone (and good riddance!) and I'm ready to focus on the new year ahead!
Happy New Year everyone!
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